Thursday, March 5, 2020

Self-Defense Glossary

Self-Defense Glossary If you decide to enter the police force or military, youll need to learn self-defense. If you are worried about your personal safety, self-defense classes could help. Here is a glossary to help you talk and write about the concepts of self-defense in English. Creator:Bill Valentine, Self Defense Coach and Instructor [CC BY-SA 3.0 (] Glossary blockHinder or stop the movement or action of (an opponent, a ball, etc.). concentrationThe action or power of focusing ones attention or mental effort. dangerThe possibility of suffering harm or injury. danger signAn indication that a bad or dangerous situation is likely to develop. enemyA person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. feintA deceptive or pretended blow, thrust, or other movement, esp. in boxing or fencing. fightingThe action of fighting; violence or conflict. forceStrength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement. guard positionThe guard is a ground grappling position where one combatant has their back to the ground, while attempting to control the other combatant using the legs. hitBring ones hand or a tool or weapon into contact with (someone or something) quickly and forcefully. hurtCause physical pain or injury to someone. judgementThe ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions. martial art Various sports or skills, mainly of Japanese origin, that originated as forms of self-defense or attack, such as judo, karate, and kendo. mindThe element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought. moveGo in a specified direction or manner; change position. muscular enduranceEndurance is the ability of an organism to exert itself and remain active for a long period of time, as well as its ability to resist, withstand, recover from, and have immunity to trauma, wounds, or fatigue. In humans, it is usually used in aerobic or anaerobic exercise. observationThe action or process of observing something or someone carefully or in order to gain information. precisionThe quality, condition, or fact of being exact and accurate. self-defense The defense of ones person or interests, esp. through the use of physical force, which is permitted in certain cases as an answer to a charge of violent crime. sidestepA step taken sideways, typically to avoid someone or something. speedThe rate at which someone or something is able to move. supplenessThe gracefulness of a person or animal that is flexible and supple. techniqueA skillful or efficient way of doing or achieving something. unbalanceMake (someone or something) unsteady so that they tip or fall. weak spotA place of special vulnerability. Please follow and like us:

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